Meeting moved: Tuesday, Jan. 29th @7:30 PM

Date Change! Meeting Tuesday, Jan. 29th @7:30 PM

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Please note meeting is moved to the last Tuesday of month (not the 22nd).

Program to be announced, we’re working on a few things.

Here are the committee assignments:

  1. Outings/Fish Species- Pablo Aguilar, Russell Isaaks, Dave Fass, Herm Watson
  2. House Committee- (food, clean-up, maintenance) Roger Rotolante, Herm Watson, Eddie Mesis
  3. Membership Enhancement-David Glabman, Eddie Concepcion, Tom Gray, Walter Fass
  4. Speakers/Education (& Mentoring)- Tom Gray, David Glabman,Rich Bezold
  5. Email/Social Media/E-directory- Bay Proby, Frank Cassady, Guseppie DeAngelis, David Glabman, Henry Acosta
  6. Special Events/Travel- Eddie Concepcion Eddie Mesis,

If I left you off and you would like a committee assignment, please send me an email.

Last outing Saturday, Jan.11 had 2 member boats and 2 guest boats. Spanish mackerel, snapper & trout were caught.

We are considering our next monthly outing for weekend of Feb. 15-17. This may involve camping out in tents, RV’s and houseboats, probably Flamingo. Details to be announced. Please send me an email of your preferred dates, and boat availability.


David Glabman- club president